After the frigid winter we've had (are still having?), it's great to see baseball's spring training camps officially open. An exciting year is on tap for us Yankee fans, what with the new Yankee Stadium (below) opening in April, and the additions of starting pitchers CC Sabathia and A.J. Burnett, not to mention first baseman Mark Teixiera. (Stadium photos from
This just in...U2 will be David Letterman's musical guest for a whole week, from March 2-6. Their new CD "No Line on the Horizon" will released March 3.
Now I just have to stay awake.
UPDATE: Thurs., March 5. So far I've been able to stay awake for the first three nights! U2 sounds awesome. In case you miised it, you can catch it on Youtube or Letterman's CBS page.