If you have an e-reader, you might want to check out my author page over at Smashwords. Currently, my novel Into the Sunset and my short story collection Stories From Sunset Hill are for sale, and the short stories nineleven and The Chambliss Tapes are available for free.
According to Smashwords, "The ebooks on Smashwords can be read online using our online readers, or they can be downloaded to other reading devices such as the the iPhone, iPod Touch, Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader or IRex Iliad, or to other ereading devices. Smashwords offers generous sampling options so readers can try before they buy."
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
My Story in The Ampersand vol. 4

My story "In the Basement" is included in the spanking new issue of The Ampersand. It's a short little short 2-page flash fiction, and I'm thrilled to be back in print! Seems like I've had a bit of a drought between publications; I guess you actually have to submit a story before it can be accepted (or rejected, for that matter). I've been a little lazy lately when it comes to submitting.
Anyhoo, The Ampersand is a 6"x9" perfect-bound anthology, chock full of fiction and poetry, 35 writers by my count. All for only $10! Which is a great deal in these isn't-the-recession-over-yet? times.
For more info on The Ampersand, or to find out why it's known as "The greatest literary project of all times" in certain circles, or just to order multiple copies for all your friends and enemies, go to Amazon, or visit their website.
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Here's an animated gif I made just for you.
I picked up Weezer's latest CD Raditude at Best Buy recently. Yes, an actual, physical CD, and it only cost $7.99 on sale. Thanks Best Buy!
Weezer is one of my favorite bands, so I was excited to get a new CD so soon after their last one. Raditude clocks in at a compact ten songs—under 40 minutes (as opposed to last year's Red Album, which contains 14 tracks). The first five songs are all killer, in the punchy, pop, guitar-based, quirky lyric sort of way (this album may contain the only rock song to ever have the lyric "We'll share a cheese fondue") that is Weezer's trademark, but this time maybe with a hint of Sugar Ray thrown in.
If the first five songs are the "A" tracks, the next five are just below that, "Bs" I guess, because there are no filler tracks here. They even experiment a bit on the song "Love Is The Answer," which is sitar-based and even includes a female Indian background vocal! And it works!
If you like Weezer, check out Raditude. It is one of their best efforts in a solid career that began with their 1994 debut, the classic "Blue Album" with includes the hit song "Buddy Holly."
Here they are on the David Letterman Show performing "I'm Your Daddy," sporting their blue Weezer Snuggies:
And if you need a last minute gift for Christmas, the Weezer Snuggie:
Monday, December 07, 2009
For the man who has everything...

The new Man Groomer is a folding razor for men who want to shave their own back.
Having trouble deciding what to get him this holiday season? How about the Man Groomer!
No more shaving your man's back, or worse—waxing it! Let him do his own dirty work! Buy it together with a Dust Buster for easy disposal of those annoying tufts of hair now on the floor instead of his back.
UPDATE: This by no means is a wishlist hint. I don't want or need a Man Groomer!
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