If you're looking for a cool, different book to read, check out Willy Vlautin's The Motel Life. I stumbled upon this book in Border's fire sale budget bin a few days after Christmas. I read and liked the first two pages, so I took a chance. Only $2.99! Well, I have to say I loved this book.
I hate reviews that give the plot away, so I'll keep it simple. Two brothers in Reno, Nevada deal with the bad luck that life keeps throwing their way. The writing is sharp and clean, and I cared about the characters. The story pulled me right in and I just wanted to keep reading. So I did.
I really like your review. I hate to go into too much detail when reviewing books but find it hard to avoid doing so. Definitely think I'll be picking this one up soon, thanks for the recommendation!
Thanks, Laura. I hope you enjoy the book! I just ordered his latest novel, Lean on Pete. It's great to discover an author, then read all his/her books.
Would you recommened this book for someone younger? Not preteens, but maybe a 17-18 year old? I know A LOT of people who love to read and this book would be a very cheap gift.
It should be OK for that age range. You should be able to preview it on Amazon.
I read reviews & purchased it online form BarnesnNobles, looks really good! Can't wit for it to come in the mail. I'll let you know what I thought.
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