
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award (ABNA) key dates

These are the key dates for the upcoming rounds of ABNA. There are two categories, General Fiction and YA. So when they say the next round is 100 Semifinalists, they mean 50 in General and 50 in YA. The finalists will be 3 General, 3 YA, Currently, Publisher's Weekly is reviewing the full manuscripts of the semifinalists (of which my novel is one). My excerpt can be read here.

April 26, 2011
Top 100 (Semifinalists) announced at
Penguin Editors reading Semi-Finalists' manuscripts to pick the 6 Finalists

Amazon customers continue to download, rate, and review Excerpts, and read Publishers Weekly reviews of Semi-Finalists' full Manuscripts

May 24, 2011
6 Finalists announced
Amazon customers vote to pick the Winners

June 13, 2011
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Winners announced

1 comment:

Elena Solodow said...

just biting my nails till 4/26. My excerpt The Whip-Slip is up in the YA category.